Sunday, November 20, 2011


Wow, I really can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving.  Graham and I are still eating candy from Halloween. This year I feel a little different about it.  This is the first time during this time of year that I have not been in school. So, I am labeling this my first "grown-up" thanksgiving. I don't have to worry about studying for tests or finals within weeks from thanksgiving. The down side is that I no longer have the school breaks for thanksgiving. I have to work my normal schedule this week(since I normally get thursdays off i don't really get any extra days off this week). I do have to go into work on saturday from 9am-12p. But, I am excited about thanksgiving. Even though this isn't my first thanksgiving away from home, this is the first year in the last two years that I have no planes tickets already bought to go home. It is funny to me for the past few years my parents have been saying each thanksgiving/christmas that times are changing and the time is geting closer when we all as a family won't be able to gather together for the holidays. Sorry Mama and Daddy, but I won't make it home for christmas unless God works some things out. But on the bright side, we have the lovely internet to talk to each other(that is why I sent that link to ya'll a few months back) and I will be able to have my first WHITE christmas! But i am hoping to come home sometime in march.
I don't have pictures of the food from last year thanksgiving, i didn't cook much because I didn't have time, but I made pumpkin ice cream-it was ok not the greatest, but i do some pictures from the year before when I cooked my very first thanksgiving meal by myself

Here's hoping everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!

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